
Homemade Yogurt with Powdered Milk

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone AppMy sister shared this recipe using powdered milk in the mid-70s, which I fondly refer to as my "Mother Earth Days." 

That's when I was raising young children, making fruit leather and granola, planting a large garden, canning, raising chickens, and "yes" making yogurt which became very popular, but was not readily available in grocery stores like today.

There's many recipes easily available on the internet these days or featured on cooking shows using yogurt as a substitute for mayonnaise, sour cream, buttermilk or base for creamed dressings to cut calories. 

Yogurt, Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
It's handy to have on hand mixing with fruits or cereals for breakfast or mixed with berries and frozen for popsicles or ice cream.

This recipe make a half gallon, but can be cut in half to make one quart. You'll need to buy plain yogurt, (a small cup size will do) which has an active culture to use as a starter. Read the ingredient label, making sure it says "live active culture."
Frozen Yogurt, Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
Frozen Blackberry Yogurt

 I keep a 4-pound box of powdered milk on hand for baking breads, making creamed sauces and soups, or for an emergency when running short on milk.

                      Homemade Yogurt with Powdered Milk
  • Put 1 tablespoon of warm water in a measuring cup and sprinkle with 3/4 teaspoon of unflavored gelatin.  Set aside for 3 minutes until transparent and set.
  • Add boiling water to gelatin mixture to measure 1 cup.  Add 1 tablespoon sugar, stir to dissolve, and cool.
  • In a large bowl mix 3 cups of non-fat dry powdered milk into 3 cups of water.  Stir to dissolve.  Add a large can of evaporated milk, 2 cups of tepid water, gelatin mixture and lastly, 3 tablespoons of plain "active" yogurt.  Stir to blend ingredients.  Place plastic wrap-over bowl.
  • Heat oven to 275 degrees.  Place bowl in oven, turn off oven.  Let set overnight, about 6 to 8 hours until set.
Use for dips, sauces, frozen desserts or recipes calling for yogurt. Makes nearly a half gallon. Wild blackberries grow in my yard, so I always have them on hand in the freezer.

Estimated Cost: $1.60 or less; .80 cents a quart or less.

I discovered this site on Pinterest which shows a way to make yogurt in a slow cooker from regular milk and an active yogurt culture.  I plan to try it next time I make a batch.


    1. OMG, even before I opened your post, seeing the title I immediately thought to myself "Yeah, that's how I used to make it." Then to see that apparently it was I, your little Sis that first shared the recipe - I'd all but forgotten.

      Ah yes, we were verily healthy eating pioneers back in those days, yes? ;)

      Interesting too - my one foodie standby here in the zany land of "Bun Thit Nuong" and "Pho"-everything (Vietnam) is... each and every morning for breakfast I make myself a yummers bowl of yogurt, sliced banana and museli. Clearly good ol' yogurt is still a mainstay no matter where in the world you happen to be.

      1. Yes, and the days before yogurt makers, smoothies etc.! Little House on the Prairie Days, so to speak. I think you first introduced me to tofu, too! Anyway, the recipe is in the family cook book, too, as a submission by you.
