
Kohlrabi, Side Dish or Salad

sauted kohlrabiTrying something new is always fun, so when I saw Kohlrabi as the farmers market, I decided to buy a few and learn about its uses.

It comes from the cabbage and turnip family from Germany.  I discovered it has a mild brussel sprout or broccoli flavor, with a very firm texture. 

 It can be cooked in stews, steamed, oven fried, sauteed or eaten raw in salads or slaws.  First it must be peeled.  We eat a salad every night, so adding it shredded was easy and flavorful.

kohlrabiAs a side dish I sauteed sliced onion until tender and golden in butter on medium high heat. Then added sticks of sliced kohlrabi, turned the heat down, added garlic and covered until it was tender, about 5 minutes. At the end I added roughly chopped basil, salt and pepper.

If desired, make like oven fries; toss in olive oil, season and bake at 375 until golden brown.  This recipe is featured on Weekend Potluck

1 peeled Kohlrabi cut into cubes, or sticks for frying
Shredded in Salad
2 Tabs. butter
1/2 sliced onion
1/2 tsp. minced garlic
2 to 3 Tabs. of chopped basil
salt and pepper to taste

Serves 4
Estimated cost: $1.00 or less; .25 cents a serving or less.

Here's an informative video I found interesting about it's origins and how to use it.

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