
Horseradish Crusted Fish Fillets

HorseRadish Crusted Fish
Tilapia with Fried Green Tomatoes
We eat fish once or twice a week so I'm always watching for sales on Tilapia or Salmon, but any firm textured fish fillet should work with this recipe.  I was flipping channels on my "rabbit ears" TV and saw a chef making this recipe and wrote down the ingredients.

So far I've made it three times with Tilapia. I've prepared it two ways, one on the stove top, and one by starting on stove top and finishing in the oven as seen on TV.  

Both were delicious.  The horseradish is not over powering, but combined with the crumbs, moistens them enough to make a paste-like mixture to pat and coat the fish on both sides

Horseradish Crusted Fish

HorseRadish Crusted FishHorseradish Crusted Fish Fillets
4,  4 to 5 oz. fillets,  boneless, skinless: tilapia, bass, snapper, salmon
salt and  pepper to taste
1/2 cup flour
1 egg beaten with 1 shell of water
1/4 cup horseradish
1 cup bread crumbs, I keep season Italian crumbs on hand
1/4 cup chopped parsley
2 tsps. of  lemon zest
1 Tab. butter
1 Tab. vegetable oil

HorseRadish Crusted FishHorseRadish Crusted FishPreheat oven to 375 degrees and cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil.  Season fish with salt and pepper and dredge in flour, shaking off any excess. Place beaten egg in a flat dish and dip fish in egg mixture. In another mixing bowl stir and combine horseradish, bread crumbs, zest, and parsley.  Remove fillets from egg mixture and coat with crumb mixture, patting onto fish so it sticks well.

In a large skillet over a medium-high heat, add butter and oil. When the butter begins to brown, add fillets.  After about 1 minute, or when golden, turn and cook the other side for 1 minute; remove fillets to the cookie sheet.

Bake in the oven to finish for about 5 to 8 minutes or until cooked through.

Alternately, fish can be sauteed and finished in the skillet, by sauteing at lower heat and cooking longer on each side before serving.  Leftover crumb mixture can be stored in a freezer bag in the freezer for future use.
Estimate cost $5.00 or less; $1.25 per serving or less.

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