
Gram's Beer Bread

Beer Bread photo null_zpsdd9c9a38.jpg
This handy bread recipe makes fresh bread quickly, so you can have it more often without the fuss.  I don't always have self-rising flour on hand, so included ingredients to substitute if you don't have it on hand.  

If you come across other recipes calling for self-rising flour, I've also included a recipe for making it at home.

Since childhood, my grandmother always sent me a birthday card, and when an adult with children continued to do, often including a recipe. She sent this recipe back in the late 1970s when she was in her 80s.  Her recipe called for self-rising flour.

If you use the search box on my blog (upper left hand corner) or browse the archive you'll find many other bread recipes I use.  This one is the easiest and quickest!

Gram's Beer Bread
3 cups sifted flour
4-1/2  tsps. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
   or (3 cups self-rising flour)
1, 12-ounce can of beer
3 Tabs. of sugar
1/4 cup melted butter

In a large bowl, sift  together dry ingredients. Pour in beer and blend mixture well.  Dough will be sticky. Spread dough into a sprayed or greased loaf pan.  Drizzle butter over the top.

Beer Bread photo null_zps88325de2.jpgBake in a 350 oven 50 to 60 minutes or until done.  Insert a tooth pick into middle to see if comes out clean. Loaf will have a crunchy outside and soft inside. For a softer crust, mix the butter into the dough batter before baking, and brush with butter when done.

Estimated cost: Under $1.00.

Homemade Self-rising Flour
1 cup of flour
1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
    Sift to combine all ingredients and store in a jar or canister.  Recipe may be doubled, tripled or made even larger if wanting to have a larger quantity on hand.

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