
Roca Nut Crunch Candy

Roca Crunch photo 85331974-9F9B-417E-B376-012680CA25DC_zpsbtnmjhlb.jpgI've been making this Christmas candy for my family and friends since the 1970s.  I think it came from my Betty Crocker cookbook. It makes a nice addition to a dessert table, or put in small gift bags, boxes, or containers.

If you don't have a candy thermometer, or digital thermometer (a good gadget to have) you can eyeball the "soft-crack" stage, by taking a small spoonful and dropping it into a glass filled with cold water. 

The mixture should form a soft glob when it hits the water and when taken out cracks gently. (see video below)

This candy has a toffee flavor and with a few simple, inexpensive ingredients produce a large supply of attractive candy.
Roca Crunch photo 32E459F2-FC7B-4C2A-9DD1-F6F3A944A1D5_zpsagr9exu1.jpg

Roca Nut Crunch
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. salt
1/4 cup of water
1/2 cup butter, cut into cubes
1-1/2 cups chopped walnuts or almonds
6 oz. chocolate chips

Roca Crunch photo 4CE63866-5FED-4946-8808-59FB213B5F8F_zpsvyleo2eo.jpgIn a  3-quart sauce pan, combine sugar, water, salt and butter over medium high heat.  Bring to boiling, stirring constantly.  Mixture will bubble up and expand. At soft-crack stage (270-290 degrees) add 1/2 cup chopped nuts and stir. Note: 285 degrees is an ideal temperature for this recipe.
Roca Crunch photo 909A3DE7-2012-464B-910E-68ECD7DB4BDF_zpsmeexbaao.jpgRemove from heat and pour onto a buttered or non-stick baking sheet. Let it spread thinly. Wait a minute or two for mixture to become firmer then sprinkle with chocolate chips, which will melt in about 2 or 3 minutes, as mixture is still hot.

Spread chocolate evenly over the top and to the edges.  Sprinkle with remaining chopped nuts.  Chill until set, then break into bite-size pieces. Makes approximately 1-1/2 pounds, 48 or more pieces.

Estimated cost $3.00 or under.

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