
Fruit Crisp

PhotobucketI keep a bag of this fruit crisp topping in the freezer for a quick dessert.  The recipe will cover a  9x13 dish of fruit, but more often I only need to make 2 to 4 servings.  

So I use a smaller dish or individual ramekins and sprinkle mixture over the fruit, bake, then serve with a whipped topping or ice cream.

We have apples, blackberries and blueberries in our yard which I pick and freeze for cobblers, pies and crisps, but I've also used it on sliced canned peaches. 

As a carb watcher I've learned to use Splenda in many recipes calling for white sugar, and it works well in this recipe if you're watching calories or white carbs.

PhotobucketFruit Crisp
1 cup flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar or Splenda
1 cup quick oats
1 Tab. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 stick melted butter
3 cups of fruit for a 9x11 dish
Mix all ingredients in a bowl until well blended into a crumbly mixture, then put in a quart-size freezer bag and freeze. 
Photobucket Arrange chosen fruit in a sprayed dish or pan, and sprinkle desired amount of mixture over the top.  Bake in a 350° oven for 30-40 minutes until top is golden and crispy. 
Makes one 9 x 13 inch size dessert or 6-8 individual desserts. Use fruit of choice:  berries, cherries, sliced peaches, or apples.  Eat fruit crisp dessert as is, or top with a whipped topping or ice cream.

Estimated cost of topping: $1.80 or less; .30 cents a serving or less.