
Mini Pumpkin Pies

mini pumpkin pie photo A886C0FA-D14C-406B-9700-0AB7EDE7B57C_zpsx06bpetb.jpg
I make several "mini-size" recipes because most often I cook for just the two of us.  I enjoy making whole recipes that can be made into individual servings and easily frozen for future servings.

We don't eat dessert every day, but it's nice to have a sweet treat on hand without having to make a whole pie, or cake. Muffin tins come in handy for these individual pumpkin pies. I think a muffin size portion of many desserts and entrees, helps with portion control and eliminates waste.

I make mini meat loaves, cakes, breakfast quiches, and pot pies, too.  That way we can enjoy a variety of meals and desserts in our diet, and there's always something in the freezer to reheat and serve.

A batch of these made during the holidays, still offers us a nice dessert a month or two later.  Of course when raising three children I'd make a full pie, and it would be gone in a flash, but for the two of us, making a whole pie seems impractical, so I've learned to adjust my baking and cooking method, yet still be able to enjoy good economical eats.

Mini Pumpkin Pies (Makes12 muffin size )
2, 9-inch pie crust doughs – pre-made, from a mix or from scratch 
mini pumpkin pies photo 14538D05-0D49-4C97-BC7D-94F2271B3DC9_zpsqaesziqy.jpg3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
2 large eggs
1, 15 oz.can pure pumpkin
1, 12 oz. can evaporated milk

Preheat oven to 425.

mini pumpkin pies photo A3309781-27AB-41AF-A8D4-E4C412F8211A_zpsrj5bu73r.jpgPrepare and roll out dough. Using a 3-1/2 to 4-inch round cutter, cut 12 rounds from pie doughs. Place each round into a greased muffin tin. Press in, letting sides come up. Pierce bottom of dough with a fork to keep crusts flat while baking.

mini pumpkin pies photo 62789487-3B96-442D-862D-CED5098C34FA_zpst4s88r8z.jpgPour filling to the top for each muffin cup. Bake at 425 for 15 minutes. Then turn the heat down to 350 and bake for 25-30 minutes more.

Cool on a wire rack to let the filling set, at least an hour. At serving time, add a dollop of whipped cream to each muffin pie.  These freeze well to have on hand for a quick dessert.

Estimated cost: $4.00 or less; .33 cents a serving or less.

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