
Potato Chip Curls

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It's time for "game time" food for football and basketball eats.

Homemade Potato Chips are always a family favorite and so economical with about 3 or 4 potatoes weighing a pound and costing $1.49 a pound or less, you can make a huge batch for 14 cents compared to several dollars for store bought bag. 

They're a fresh, tasty side dish for burgers, hot dogs or to have with a sandwich;  serve with your favorite dips.

While I've made them many times over the years, a few years ago a local restaurant served a pile of "huge" curled chips, sliced paper thin and cut length-wise. I had always sliced width-wise like the familiar normal size of bagged chips, and sliced an 1/8-inch thin. These are even thinner.

A mandoline slicer does this well.  Just two medium to large potatoes, sliced evenly and paper thin, makes a huge batch, enough to feed 4-6 people. 
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Potato Chip Curls

Potatoes at least 4 - 6 inches long.
Slice lengthwise paper thin with skins on, 1/16 of an inch.  Soak in cold water to remove starch for 15 minutes. Rinse, drain and pat very dry on paper towels.

Heat deep fryer or use a large pot with high sides with at least 2 inches of oil at 350 degrees. If you don't have a thermometer, test oil heat by inserting the end of a wooden spoon into oil and small bubbles will form around 350 degrees.

Fry several at a time in batches so they don't touch, for about a minute or two, or until golden brown and crisp. Turn once as they fry. They fry quickly, so watch closely.

 Remove with tongs or slotted spoon and place on cookie sheet lined with paper toweling or place on a rack and sprinkle with coarse salt.  Serve warm and fresh. They'll melt in your mouth, so you better make extra, as they're gobbled up fast!

Estimated cost: .20 cents or less to serve 4 to 6.

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