- "Waste not want not" remains a good old reminder when it comes to ripened bananas - turn them into banana nut bread!
I use a mini-loaf baking pan to make 4 loaves. Loaves are handy for a quick dessert with coffee or tea, sliced to pack with lunches, and make a nice hostess gift. They freeze well. - I buy walnuts in bulk and keep them fresh in the freezer, so they're always on hand for baking or salads.
- Banana Nut Bread
2/3 cup milk2 eggs2-1/2 cups flour1 cup sugar1 tsp. salt2-1/2 tsps. baking powder1/2 tsp. baking soda1 cup mashed bananas, about 2 small or 1 large1/2 cup chopped walnutsPreheat oven to 350
In a mixer, cream butter and sugar. Blend in eggs and milk. Add flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder. Mix until well blended. Add mashed bananas and chopped walnuts, mixing until batter is smooth.
Pour into prepared pan/s (1 large 9x5 loaf pan, 4 mini loaves). A large loaf will bake an hour, mini-loaves take less time, about 30 to 35 minutes. Insert toothpick in middle to test for doneness.
Serves 12.
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